Save Ocean Beach

The natural and physical resources of Ocean beach and its adjacent City Dunedin are under threat and you can help!

At 14 December, 2006 22:14, Jono said…

stood on a metal spike coming in today, looks like it went clean in and out, so hopefully no infections, so anyone surfing st clair, add that to your list of hazards, there are a whole lot of bits of metal sticking out of the sand, straight in front of the south stair set, attached to a massive bit of concrete so I couldn't pull it out

( shit mate.. hope your tetanus is up to date! .. funny eh, well not funny, but the other day.. the stroll along the 'beach' ... now the photos seem quite appropriate)

and also noted at the time.. the wear of the panels of the new sea wall.. wave action throwing the rocks around and acting as sandpaper .. so thats two months worth of wear..

just slipped another link in here to a post back in may about the rods sticking up dangerously at the bottom of those stairs.. same ones?? LINK

I have been working towards a bit of an article about the loss of sand at St Clair since the construction of the new sea wall.. and the pending resource consent to alter further the sand dunes and what remains of the natural coastline of Dunedin.
.. but the content of each of my days lately has made it difficult to focus on getting this issue out.
I need to at least say the scenario briefly now, or it may become too late.

It involves recontouring of the sand dunes at Middles, and Tomahawk beaches .. including the storage of thousands of tonnes of sand at Tommahawk Beach for 'replenishment sand stocks' for other Dunedin sites. It is presented as a conservation project.

The actual application on the DCC website - click here
More information with detailed applications - click here

Front page ODT a few weeks back...
supporting ODT article scanned in 2 small pics above.
Submissions for and opposing close on the 29th of January 2007, having been extended from the original date of December 8th 2006.