Save Ocean Beach

The natural and physical resources of Ocean beach and its adjacent City Dunedin are under threat and you can help!

The Council is applying for consents from both its own Planning Department and from the Otago Regional Council for erosion protection works at Ocean Beach. These works are part of the holding pattern that was put in place to protect the sand dunes following the emergency erosion control works undertaken in 2007. This holding pattern will remain in place while a long-term plan for Ocean Beach is developed. The consents applied for also include retrospective consent for the emergency works undertaken in 2007, and the applications will be publicly notified on 14 March 2009.

The emergency works and holding pattern include the following:

  • The transportation of rocks and sand and stockpiling of sand at 2 locations adjacent to the beach.
  • Deposition and contouring of sand on the beaches.
  • The storage of machinery in the Kettle Park area.
  • The construction of a Reno Mattress to protect the existing sand sausages and additional Reno Mattresses where necessary to protect vulnerable parts of the beach.
  • Removal of the clay capping and rubble for safety reasons.