Save Ocean Beach

The natural and physical resources of Ocean beach and its adjacent City Dunedin are under threat and you can help!

Just watched my friend Nigel on the Channel 9 news over the St Clair to Seconds fence issue.

Great that its getting some broader publicity.. but!!
Two issues that appear rather inconsistent.
One one hand Dunedin City Council representative Graham Hall said that the fence had to be a soild wooden fence in order to stop people viewing into the pool area, so a privacy issue.. but then why in the next sentence claim that the public will be allowed to utilise the view freely by an altered track and seats where [quote]"people can view over the fence" ... think about it.. defeats the purpose eh
Also Mr Hall claimed the council explored the option of using a mesh fence instead of the wooden fence... this was aparantly mooted due to the 'unsightly' corrosion that the mesh would acquire exposed to the salt laden air over time. A mesh fence is NOT the only option.. and if privacy is the premium issue, then why consider a mesh fence, or any other alternative other than solid in the first place? Why is there a mesh fence just 10 metres furthur up in the same track?.. which then incidently stops abruptly and there is NO fence at all to stop small animals. pushchairs and bicycles careering off the cliff face.
Below is a scan of the original letter Nigel Westbrook sent to the Mayor, and the Petition: