Save Ocean Beach

The natural and physical resources of Ocean beach and its adjacent City Dunedin are under threat and you can help!

After the recent spectacular wave action against the sea wall at St Clair the other week.. we now have some long black sausages emerging from inside the sand dunes at the end of the sea wall.

Below are two pics, one on the 19th December 2006 and 6 months later on the 20th May 2007 , from today's photos you can see sand has returned around the poles to an extent.

Then below, last year on the 19th February.. the steps touched the sand!

Onions and sauce with that?

Aparantly they are geotextile sand sausgaes for an 'end dune affect'.
Interesting article here
And whilst in tune with sand and St Clair the photo below is a comparison again of the sand on the beach during the end part of the old sea wall's reign, and now.
Remember the days of the old sea wall

And just to balalnce everything out, an arty shot of the well photographed poles.