Save Ocean Beach

The natural and physical resources of Ocean beach and its adjacent City Dunedin are under threat and you can help!

St Clair surfers would have noticed an incredible increase in the volume of sand being deposited at the base of the sea wall, and out into the break its self. I have heard it described at the beginning of the week as pipeline-like. below: a view the new Hotel on the Esplanade with sand build up. And the 6 dogs on the beach where Dogs are prohibited on St Clair Beach.
Pic at Bottom: Harbour dredging's have been deposited on the wharf the last few weeks and trucked to Moana Rua Rd where massive amounts have been dumped off the end to build up the toe of the dunes. This spoil has then immediately been washed into St Clair with the east swells. You can see the scarp at the base of fill.